Alamo PMI Monthly Meeting - In Person - February

Power Skills

This Registration is for In Person Meeting Only

6:00pm New Member Orientation

6:15pm Dinner Service Begins

7:00pm Speaker Presentation Starts

Cracking the Code to Personal Productivity and Professional Longevity

Presentation Description

This is the presentation of real world information, that when properly applied, may well determine the long-term success of someone just entering the job market or making a decision to change in hopes of establishing themselves as a force to be reckoned with when it comes to demonstrating value add to their chosen role or responsibility. This is a powerful professional development opportunity based on 46 years of PMI experience and 55+ years in the profession.

Those in attendance will be treated to information that has contributed to meaningful, productive contributions to the project management profession.  Lee will share what he has learned in the ensuing years that catapulted him into prominence and established the hierarchy for achieving sustained success.   He established a framework for professional development and created his own version of a template for realizing personal growth.  Lee suggests following a simple formula that progresses from a job, to a career to ultimately (if you are lucky) a calling.  Interested? Listen! You will gain critical insights.  The next step is yours.


Lee Lambert

Lee R. Lambert has logged 50+ years of project management experience and is considered one of the world’s thought leaders on project management methods
and how they can be utilized to create and sustain value added Leadership and Collaboration capabilities. He is one of only 70 in the world to receive the honor of PMI Fellow. Lee is a Past President of the Central Ohio PMI and was one of the Founders of the Project Management Institute’s Project Management Professional (PMP) credential. His book, Project Management-The CommonSense Approach, is a best seller in the field. Lee has contributed to the KSA International Project Management Forum the past two years and has recently received the Industrial Engineering and Operations & Management (IEOM) award for outstanding leadership in project management. He has been an active PMI volunteer since 1978 having presented the Project Management story in 51 countries. Watch for Lee on LinkedIn, where he has amassed nearly 100,000 followers.

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It is no longer possible to register for this event


Type of category: Monthly Chapter Meeting

Type of activity: Power Skills

Start Date: February 28th, 2024

Hours/Session (CST): 6:00PM to 8:30PM



Students: $30.00

Members: $45.00

Non members: $45.00


Norris Convention Center 618 NW Loop 410, Suite #207 San Antonio, TX 78216